All through October I participated in Birdtober, which the artist took the prompts given and painted, or drew, whatever your art genre for 31 days. It was a lot and I usually don’t do these kinds of things because I cannot keep up. But surprisingly I did, but that was about all the art I made in October. It was very good practice to work on different birds, ones that I may never have considered before. I have painted a goldfinch many times but never a bunting and liked the way it turned out for something that was quickly created.

Then November seemed like it just flew by with doctor’s appointments and sporting events, watching IU basketball with friends or going to Detroit to go to watch the Lions and then also watching on TV. It is so fun being a Lions fan. We became season ticket holders when they were 0 and 16. It was fun then but it is so MUCH more fun when they win! I worked on a painting for my annual Christmas card which I will show at another time because I ordered them last night, which was pretty good for December 1st. These two paintings will be in the Fort Wayne Artists Guild members show at the downtown library. The gingko’s and bunnies was another painting in November I got finished up for the show. I had the canvas sitting on my easel with the background on it for approximately three weeks. The I would get the ol ah ha moments to move on with the painting. The show goes through the end of December at the Jeffery Krull Gallery. Then two important holidays, our son Sam’s 33rd birthday and Thanksgiving. Then we are into December.

Well you know, December is a whirlwind of activity. Tomorrow, December 3rd, I will be dropping off 15 paintings to hang at the Georgetown Branch Library for December and January. I plan to change some out in January to make it seem all fresh. Then decorating for the Holiday. Phase 1 is done, with the tree and mantle. I will not lie, this is from another year, but it is still the same tree and the paintings on the wall are different now also, but otherwise you know….. Phase two will be the nativity and santas and snowmen. Phase 3 is planning baking and also gifts but that is also in phase 1 and 2. Tom and I have a Lions game, also the 4 of us will do something for my birthday. I will get together with my gal pals this month too. Then Christmas will be here and the New Year. Like I started with, what happened to November?