Pavel, watching me take pictures outside. They have the best view in the house on my art table. I have that old rug there so they can be comfortable….it’s a cats life.
I am watching Spring come alive through the crocus blooming in my landscape bed outside of my studio window. These were just planted in the fall so I didn’t really know how pretty they would be. I will love it when through the years they multiply. I have really been enjoying them!
Watching the candystriped daylilys green start to sprout up through the dead leaves from last year.
So happy that the transplanted forsythia is starting to bloom. I love watching each plant grow.
I am very tickled with my magnolia tree. Look at this big fat bud, it’s going to be beautiful this year.
The whole tree is covered with these gems. I am so enjoying the development of the buds.
Pretty yellow forsythia.
Another sweet little face looking out and watching me.
Watching the field turn green behind us and wondering what the farmer has planted that had laid dormant through the winter. Also watching the storm develop off in the distance. It’s been a day of rain.
I have a book, “The Best Loved Poems of the American People” and I don’t feel that I appreciate it enough. I think poems are to be read slowly and one has to absorb them to get the whole meaning of them. I am going to start using some in my posts to share with you, my visitors.
I saw God wash the world last night
With his sweet showers on high,
And then, when morning came, I saw
Him hang it out to dry.
He washed each tiny blade of grass
And every trembling tree;
He flung his showers against the hill,
and swept the billowing sea.
The white rose is a cleaner white,
The red rose is more red,
Since God washed every fragrant face
And put them all to bed.
There’s not a bird, there’s not a bee
That wings along the way
But is a cleaner bird and bee
Than it was yesterday.
I saw God wash the world last night.
Ah, would He had washed me
As clean of all my dust and dirt
As that old white birch tree.
Thanks again so much for stopping by!