For the last two weeks I have been trying to find the time for a book review, I can see that people do love them by my stats. But, I had to buy a new shiny Epson Sure Color-P 700 printer. It came and I unloaded the box, connected it, and I couldn’t get a good print. It would start and do 3/4 of the print then stop. So I did a two day trial and error on my end thinking I missed something. I finally called Support and got Ray, and was on the phone with him (though we were working through some communication problems on my end) for three hours and at the end of that I had to change something on my computer. Then it was the weekend, and Support is closed at that time. On Monday I also was out and stopped at my Verizon store, I call it that because we have bought all our phones and other there, he was very helpful. There was the 5Ghz and 2.4 Ghz language and dual ports and if I could change something will my shiny new printer work? So, I was confident that I did figure it out and it still didn’t work right. Grrrrr! I called Support again, got Ash this time. (I am getting reference numbers now so that they can see what has happened so far) and we went through things and then she said that she had to speak with others about my problem and would call me back. It really make me crazy when my system doesn’t work. That is what I focus on and no painting or other fun stuff takes place. She called me back and said I need to get a certain usb cord so I can connect with my computer. I am thinking how can I get it the quickest. If I call each computer store in my area, which is time consuming, then drive there especially if it is waaay across town. The port on the printer is in a very unconventional place that I couldn’t even see. I had to send a photo of the area so the support person could show me. I was in the most obscure place. So I have been trying to ween myself away from Amazon because Jeff Bezos has us wrapped around his little computer fingers and he was standing up there with You Know Who. This was an emergency for me and I also realized that my auto payment for Amazon Prime happened on February 1st. I am going to access how I can live without this in the next year. So I got it the next day and it still wouldn’t work. Called Support again and got Ash, I found out what the problem was and now I can print beautifully. I would not have been able to do this on my own. I you have gotten to the bottom of this I am rewarding you with a picture of one of my cats.

I just think this picture is so funny! This is Pookey Cat and we don’t know if his back feet were hot or what. I reminded us of the Wizard of Oz and the red shoes sticking out from the house. So back to the book review, my book that I borrowed from the library, returned. I like to have the book with me so I can refer to things I am reviewing. I promise I will do the review in the future.

This is my cat Pavel, named after Pavel Datsyuk, the Hall of Fame Red Wings player. I was really showing the card my friend made for me and he happened to be in the background. It’s a fabulous card. By the way our Keurig Coffee maker quit working and I have to go out tomorrow for physical therapy (I am working on getting my right part of my body from the hip down stronger. I walk unbalanced.) I will be into week two. So I will do my research to find one in town.

This is Pavel Datsyuk HOF cat standing up and posing. He follows me around and is near me most of the time. He is a quiet guy for sure. The next thing I want to talk about is upcoming posts. I will be showing my new art of course. But while trying to find a certain picture I thought to myself that I should share these other fabulous pictures I have taken while moving them to my external hard drive. I will do that once a month and it will make me do this moving, there are a lot from my phone and cameras.

This here is Mr. Whiskers, I took care of him outside for two years and we were pretty friendly with each other. Then a big cold snow storm was coming and I picked him up and put him in the garage on a heated mat. I then decided that he needed to be checked out at the vet so he could come inside. He had FIV and at that time they recommended that he not be around other cats. They used to have them euthanized as to not spread the disease and I believe that thought process has changed. But anyways he is living with Sam and Kevin and is living his best life.

This is Miggy, actually Miguel Cabrera because he is a polydactyl and has extra toes. His paw is as big as a baseball mitt. You can kind of see one of his extra toes there.

Here is Lily, she walked over the rainbow bridge in November 2024. My heart still isn’t over it. She was such a unique lady.
A few years ago I used that picture for “Lovely Lilys Flower Crown”.
Till the next time friends.