Cats n Stuff

For the last two weeks I have been trying to find the time for a book review, I can see that people do love them by my stats. But, I had to buy a new shiny Epson Sure Color-P 700 printer. It came and I unloaded the box, connected it, and I couldn’t get a good print. It would start and do 3/4 of the print then stop. So I did a two day trial and error on my end thinking I missed something. I finally called Support and got Ray, and was on the phone with him (though we were working through some communication problems on my end) for three hours and at the end of that I had to change something on my computer. Then it was the weekend, and Support is closed at that time. On Monday I also was out and stopped at my Verizon store, I call it that because we have bought all our phones and other there, he was very helpful. There was the 5Ghz and 2.4 Ghz language and dual ports and if I could change something will my shiny new printer work? So, I was confident that I did figure it out and it still didn’t work right. Grrrrr! I called Support again, got Ash this time. (I am getting reference numbers now so that they can see what has happened so far) and we went through things and then she said that she had to speak with others about my problem and would call me back. It really make me crazy when my system doesn’t work. That is what I focus on and no painting or other fun stuff takes place. She called me back and said I need to get a certain usb cord so I can connect with my computer. I am thinking how can I get it the quickest. If I call each computer store in my area, which is time consuming, then drive there especially if it is waaay across town. The port on the printer is in a very unconventional place that I couldn’t even see. I had to send a photo of the area so the support person could show me. I was in the most obscure place. So I have been trying to ween myself away from Amazon because Jeff Bezos has us wrapped around his little computer fingers and he was standing up there with You Know Who. This was an emergency for me and I also realized that my auto payment for Amazon Prime happened on February 1st. I am going to access how I can live without this in the next year. So I got it the next day and it still wouldn’t work. Called Support again and got Ash, I found out what the problem was and now I can print beautifully. I would not have been able to do this on my own. I you have gotten to the bottom of this I am rewarding you with a picture of one of my cats.

I just think this picture is so funny! This is Pookey Cat and we don’t know if his back feet were hot or what. I reminded us of the Wizard of Oz and the red shoes sticking out from the house. So back to the book review, my book that I borrowed from the library, returned. I like to have the book with me so I can refer to things I am reviewing. I promise I will do the review in the future.

This is my cat Pavel, named after Pavel Datsyuk, the Hall of Fame Red Wings player. I was really showing the card my friend made for me and he happened to be in the background. It’s a fabulous card. By the way our Keurig Coffee maker quit working and I have to go out tomorrow for physical therapy (I am working on getting my right part of my body from the hip down stronger. I walk unbalanced.) I will be into week two. So I will do my research to find one in town.

This is Pavel Datsyuk HOF cat standing up and posing. He follows me around and is near me most of the time. He is a quiet guy for sure. The next thing I want to talk about is upcoming posts. I will be showing my new art of course. But while trying to find a certain picture I thought to myself that I should share these other fabulous pictures I have taken while moving them to my external hard drive. I will do that once a month and it will make me do this moving, there are a lot from my phone and cameras.

This here is Mr. Whiskers, I took care of him outside for two years and we were pretty friendly with each other. Then a big cold snow storm was coming and I picked him up and put him in the garage on a heated mat. I then decided that he needed to be checked out at the vet so he could come inside. He had FIV and at that time they recommended that he not be around other cats. They used to have them euthanized as to not spread the disease and I believe that thought process has changed. But anyways he is living with Sam and Kevin and is living his best life.

This is Miggy, actually Miguel Cabrera because he is a polydactyl and has extra toes. His paw is as big as a baseball mitt. You can kind of see one of his extra toes there.

Here is Lily, she walked over the rainbow bridge in November 2024. My heart still isn’t over it. She was such a unique lady.

A few years ago I used that picture for “Lovely Lilys Flower Crown”.

Till the next time friends.

Paintings in the Shop-Workshop Ladies-Christmas

I recently finished this painting and it has been added to the online shop. It can be purchased in three sizes. The Blue Vase

Thinking ahead for Valentines Day, Orange Hearts has also been added. It would be perfect in a card or a framed print for you or your special person.

Here is another print that can be purchased in three sizes. The original has been sold but the print can be found in the online shop. Think Mosaic

The Dinosaur Chicken has also been added, he is a fun, mixed media heron. He or She is a replica of the bird that walks around the retention pond looking for tasty fish.

Got the tree up for Christmas. A few years back decided on a pencil tree because it is so easy to put up and take down. But the main reason is so that this one doesn’t climb it……

Sophie and five of her other ornery housemates.

The 5 X 7 nutcracker painting was donated to Artlink for their ornament silent auction.

I had a mixed media workshop in early November and these fun ladies joined me. They came up with some wonderful creations. They also wanted to do a slow stitching workshop and a stamp carving workshop too. I thought that was a great idea so stay tuned.

The director of the Georgetown library asked if I would like to show my art for November and December. If you are out that way stop in and take a look, it is right behind the check out, you can’t miss it.

Going Many Ways

Things are going well here at the Studio. We as a family have many things going on this summer. I had an art show early June. It was as the Village of Winona. I had not been there before as an artist and it it was well run, well organized and it was nice to be back at it. My son Kevin, is my helper for the summer. My knees are not good and he agreed to accompany me to all my shows. We set up the date yesterday for a double knee replacement for October. So with cortisone and Kevin and Tylenol I will be able to get through the summer and have successful shows. This Painting is a new one that I finished last month. “Favorable Wind” was purchased at the show.
This renewed painting was also purchased by the same sweet customer. It is “Heart of Man”. It was great fun deciding which animals to choose to paint.
The pot of flowers also was purchased “Makes Me Happy”” is the title. Oh and Snoop Doggy original 6 X 6 is available for $50.00 plus tax.
Another painting sold at the Fort Wayne Artists Guild Pop Up Gallery. This one is titled “Under Our Feet”. I am so thankful that people get a connection with my art.
I am really thrilled that I figured out why so many of my I phone pictures were not accessible for my computer. I have so many good ones but I figured it out and will be entertaining you with this post, hope you won’t be bored.
Another exciting thing for our sons are that they have purchased a house together and will probably be moving in by late July. It is close so we can do it a little at a time and it is going to need to be painted and carpets cleaned. The thought of moving something overwhelms me, so I am kind of the organizer, which I can do.
This large painting was recently completed last month. I call it “Blooming Fireworks”. It was fun to do and is 36 X 48.
Had fun painting this rock for a confirmation gift along with the paper mache box. I will probably have a few of these at certain shows this summer.
My friend Theresa and I took a little trip to Fort Recovery Ohio this week. There was a really fun home shop that we picked up a few items at. Then we ate at a little restaurant. It looked like the town was going to shut down the Main Street to have some kind of Jubilee and they seemed excited about it. People were walking around smiling and saying it was a good day. As you can tell by the name it has a Fort and these murals are really great that they had painted on the walls of the buildings.
We also stopped at a strawberry farm that had Upick. Thank goodness we didn’t have to do that and could buy a bucket of them. I made shortcake and Theresa has made freezer jam and that is also on my agenda for today.
I am also working on a line of stitchery to sell at some of my shows. Some art shows you jury in with just the art and others an artist is able to sell other items because it is not a juried show. I love hand embroidery and putting fabrics together. Some are made from old quilt blocks and some tattered quilts. I have so much fabric and other fun items that I decided to make pictures and frame them. I will be adding some other stitched products to be announced later. I grow catnip and will be making cat toys with stuffing and catnip made with upholstery fabric. That fabric is tough and cannot be torn apart “usually”. I just signed up for a summer workshop with a favorite stitcher House Wren Studio. She is an inspiration. The workshop is called “My Indigo Kitchen”.
This is a recent picture of four out of six of our cats. I thought it was funny with them all in a row. There is usually at least one in my studio but not four at once.
This is Sophie the ornery one. She is a paper shredder. You have to make sure that any important papers are put up. There will be chunks out of them by the morning. It must just feel good. I found her on the road and she had been thrown or had been sleeping in a car body that left for work and she was thrown. Her bottom lip was bleeding because it was pulled back with road rash. She was all of twelve ounces. She has overcome her disability as you can see. I say she is just too short. This picture makes me laugh. I keep my wallpaper books in this closet and she gets in there and tears up the loose papers.
This beautiful Luna Moth stopped by on the outside of the bug zapper. I read up on them. They have no mouths and don’t eat and last just a short time, maybe two weeks? It was a pretty sight to see.
We have our usual tree swallows that have produced three babies. They are some hardworking parents. I don’t see them in the nest anymore so I think the babies have taken off. I am wondering if there will be another round of them.

So my next show is July 10 and 11 at Art in the Park in Fort Wayne’s Freiman Square. Then we are taking a weeks vacation to Frankfort, Michigan. So looking forward to this, it has been a long time. Then July 31 and August 1 will be a nice Fort Wayne show at Coventry.

I would like to get a couple more paintings completed, they are in my mind, just have to get them on Canvas. I am not a fast painter and am always amazed of the painters who are. I have some books to show but that will have to wait till next time. I had scanned them in a PDF format which is not supported here.

We are having Fathers Day dinner this Sunday, grilled steaks and chicken, Texas sheet cake, make ahead potatoes, Naan bread, fruit salad. Looks like Sunday will be warm, we have paint colors to talk over. Have a wonderful holiday and say thanks to Dad ❤💙

Original Art – For You

This was an early painting that I still have. It is titled “For You” and came up with that after I painted it. It came to me after reading the lines and thought everyone should say this to themselves everyday.

Follow Your Heart….Everyone should do this….it will make you happier.
Seek Bliss…..also a good thing…..even just getting a cup of coffee or sitting in nature during any season.
Find Happiness…..listen to a Ted talk… a fat quarter of fabric….or a new paintbrush…even a fancy chocolate . Those are things that can make you happy and not cost much money.
Just Love… kind to one another.
The background is dark grey, and the hearts are uniform with pretty colors. The line drawings enhance the words and hearts.
One side has a line drawing of a stretching cat with a butterfly on his nose and a sun on his stomach.
The other side also has line drawings of simple botanicals and the bird tail is peeking at the top. The size of this canvas is 18 X 18. If you are interested in this mixed media painting please contact me.

Thank You

Yesterday, August 17, I did the Satak Winery Art Show in Fremont Indiana. It was a great day, not horribly hot, not raining, somewhat humid. I so appreciate all who invest in my art through cards, reproductions and originals. I had so many good conversations with people who stopped in and had a great time.

This is Sara, from Plymouth, IN who became enamored with “Barney” so much that she had to take him home. She said that she will cherish him. I love when my art finds a good home.

Carleen from Angola is a returning customer. She purchased some reproductions for her school room last year. She stopped by again and we discussed “Save Us” and she fell in love with it. She said that she has a colorful home and had plans to hang it in their dining room.
After I got it all wrapped up I remembered I needed to take a picture. So thank you all who visit me, I feel the warmth.

Detroit Institute of Arts

As I mentioned in an earlier post, during our Detroit Zoom we visited the Detroit Institute of Arts. I took so many great pictures that I will just do a few each day of the different category’s. The first I will show is the Diego Rivera Hall which is right in the middle of the museum. I was excited to view this because I had only known about it through text books. This is a mural painted by Diego Rivera who actively painted for 50 years (1907 to 1957). Diego’s second wife is the widely popular Frida Khalo.
Edsel, Henry Fords son and Eleanor, Edels’s wife were huge patrons of the arts. In 1932
Edsel and the Director of the DIA commissioned Diego Rivera to paint a mural on two of the walls.
Diego and Frida came and studied manufacturing at the Rouge River plant and also took in the spirit of Detroit. Rivera then suggested doing more than two murals it was agreed upon and the commission expanded. On a sidenote, you can take a tour of the Rouge River Factory today, a little more updated from the Diego and Frida time.
He painted industry, airplanes, assembly workers in all races. Also included were secretary’s, accountants, Henry and Edsel Ford.
It is quite a grand area and would take a long time to absorb everything.
He also painted in medicine, vaccinations and religion. If you would like to read a little more in depth about the murals click here. I also want to suggest if you go to Detroit touring the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, it is chock full of art and antiques and is on beautiful Lake St. Clair, one of my favorite places.

Wild Garden

My newest painting completed this last week just in time for the Great Lakes Art Fair. This mixed media painting has a fat junco bird along with orange and red poppies. Some of the poppies are painted and some made with wallpaper. This is a fun and colorful painting that also makes a beautiful print. It is now up in my store and be sure to use the coupon code of 35off2019 to receive 35% off of your order.
All the info that you need to know about the Great Lakes Art Fair if you are up that way. It is north of Detroit and in the nice city of Novi Michigan. This is my first show of the season and so far it looks like a pretty nice weekend the weather says. Looking forward to it for sure. It is time to get out there again after the winter.

Found something informative on the Allen County Public Library Website…..Yes true….the whole website is informative. They have an area artists link. So I submitted mine also! Here is the link.

Lastly I will have another art fair to add to my show schedule. I will be at the Round the Fountain Art Fair in Lafayette, IN. It is on the courthouse square. When Tom and I were first married we lived in that area and I worked across the street of the courthouse at Lafayette Bank and Trust. It was only a mere 38 years ago. It will be nice to go back and see it. The show is May 25th.

2019 Art Shows

This was my tent at Talbot Street Art Fair in Indianapolis last year in June. Attaching my list of shows I hope to participate in this year (2019).

Most of them I have applied to but the juries have to meet and go through the entry’s, sometimes 100’s of them. The process is that the artists submits three to five good images of their work and a booth shot. Most of the time this is done via the computer, once in a great while they have to be copied to a CD and sent via postal mail with the the paper application. We also have to submit either a 100 character or word description of our work process, the two are a very different size. A jury fee of $25.00 to $40.00 has to be submitted also.

To make an interesting art show there has to be many various kinds of art, so when the jury score the artist, the show takes so many of the top scoring artists in each of the categories. Mine is 2D Mixed Media. The juries see each artist for possibly 30 seconds to one minute, and someone reads the description. This is done on a computer projector.

Then the show also makes a wait list, where if the accepted artist cannot make it they have others to fill the spot. If you get the call that you have been accepted the artist then has to submit the booth fee which varies from $100.00 to $600.00 or more. I am renting that 10 X 10 real estate for two days to share, meet, talk about and hopefully sell my art to collectors that visit me in my booth.

Along with these expenses I also have gas, food and lodging if I am away from home. At this time I have been accepted into a few, ones that I participated in last year and they had early applications.

My show schedule is on this website on the home page. As I hear from shows, I add to the list. I really love traveling around and setting up my mini galleries. It is a lot of work, especially in the heat, but it’s fun. I do have two new fans this year, so that will make four in the tent and that will help.

Why am I telling you this information? I felt the need to make aware that bringing our art to you is not done lightly and is not inexpensive but worth it. Please support artists that put their imagination, ingenuity, heart and soul into one of a kind art work.

You will make them jump for joy! For my followers, I treasure you and thank you.

  • Great Lakes Art Fair April 13,14 Novi MI
  • Bloomfest May 18 Leo,IN
  • Round the Fountain May 25 Lafayette, IN
  • Winona Art Fair June 1 & 2 Winona, IN
  • Talbot Street June 15,16 Indianapolis, IN
  • Devils Lake (2nd) June 15 Manitou Beach, MI
  • Three Rivers Festival July 13,14 Fort Wayne, IN
  • Chesterton Art Fair Aug 3,4 Chesterton, IN
  • Satek Winery Aug. 17 Fremont, IN
  • Fourth St. Art Fair Aug 31,Sept. 1 Bloomington, IN
  • Vincolet Winery Sept. 7 Cincinnati, OH
  • Art at the Riverside Sept. 28 Leo, IN
  • Hyde Park October 6 Cincinnati, OH
  • Historic Shaw Neighborhood Oct. 5,6 St. Louis, MO
  • Renaissance at Roanoke October 12 Roanoke, IN
  • Arts and Greens Market TBA White Lake,MI

Painting #2 redone and Workshop sign up

This flag painting was an early on creation. It needed refurbished also. I took off the stars, sanded it, painted it black, sanded it again and loved the outcome. The rust underneath peeked out under the black so nicely.

The barn owl was painted with acrylic paint Various wallpapers, inks, bronze leaf and oil sticks were used to make a wonderfully colorful scene. There is even a bit of florescent orange here and there. So meet Barney, the owl peeking out between the fall leaves.

The workshops are closing in fast! This is the painting we are doing on Sunday October 21, 1 pm to 5 pm. Please, please get signed up so I know how many I am going to have. Link to the sign up page….

Here is the painting for the friday evening, October 26th workshop. 6 pm to 10 pm. Here again I stress that you get signed up so I can get the needed supplies. This is a level one, no artistic experience necessary. These paintings have a little bit of many techniques, to learn and to build on. It will be a great time! The link to sign up for friday night class.


Here is my next show, this weekend in Roanoke Indiana. It is supposed to be sunny and 53 with  light winds. I look forward to this. Put on my heavy sweater and take my hot vegetable soup and it will be a great day for an art show. They have added a fine crafts area also. Plein air painting, Farmers Market, Young artists competition and a children’s art area along with the art show. Saturday, October 13 from 10:00 am to 4 pm. Here is the website.