This Weekend

It has been such a long time since I have made a blog post and I thought I would give you a heads up about new paintings that I have made. This weekend I will be showing my art at Freiman Square in downtown Fort Wayne. It will be a two day event called Art in the Park. It will be on Main Street on Saturday 10 to 7 and Sunday 10 to 5.

The four paintings that I am showing here are my most recent. The top three I have the originals along with prints and cards.
King of the Garden original sold but I will have prints and cards. I don’t know my booth number yet, many times I am on Main Street, but it is a different year and also there is a new director. I will send out a Facebook post when I know.

Updated Show Schedule

On my home page, on the right side is my up to the minute show schedule for the year. It is always fluid and may change at times. Please check back often for updates. The fun painting above is “Doodle Cat” and is my newest addition. Click here to see the show schedule.

If you love dragonfly’s then you will love seeing “Beautiful Wings” another new addition. The painting has a fantastic quote taken from The Legend of the Dragonfly.

This 36 X 36 gorgeous painting will stop you in your tracks. It jumps off the walls of the tent. The title of it is “Summer Wow”.

“Crazy Spring Blooms” has just come back from participating in the Artlink Members Show. Enjoy that blue butterfly along with the pinks, yellow and orange flowers. Starting in August, the next eight weekends will have an art show. If you have any questions please send a message through the contact form below.

Going Many Ways

Things are going well here at the Studio. We as a family have many things going on this summer. I had an art show early June. It was as the Village of Winona. I had not been there before as an artist and it it was well run, well organized and it was nice to be back at it. My son Kevin, is my helper for the summer. My knees are not good and he agreed to accompany me to all my shows. We set up the date yesterday for a double knee replacement for October. So with cortisone and Kevin and Tylenol I will be able to get through the summer and have successful shows. This Painting is a new one that I finished last month. “Favorable Wind” was purchased at the show.
This renewed painting was also purchased by the same sweet customer. It is “Heart of Man”. It was great fun deciding which animals to choose to paint.
The pot of flowers also was purchased “Makes Me Happy”” is the title. Oh and Snoop Doggy original 6 X 6 is available for $50.00 plus tax.
Another painting sold at the Fort Wayne Artists Guild Pop Up Gallery. This one is titled “Under Our Feet”. I am so thankful that people get a connection with my art.
I am really thrilled that I figured out why so many of my I phone pictures were not accessible for my computer. I have so many good ones but I figured it out and will be entertaining you with this post, hope you won’t be bored.
Another exciting thing for our sons are that they have purchased a house together and will probably be moving in by late July. It is close so we can do it a little at a time and it is going to need to be painted and carpets cleaned. The thought of moving something overwhelms me, so I am kind of the organizer, which I can do.
This large painting was recently completed last month. I call it “Blooming Fireworks”. It was fun to do and is 36 X 48.
Had fun painting this rock for a confirmation gift along with the paper mache box. I will probably have a few of these at certain shows this summer.
My friend Theresa and I took a little trip to Fort Recovery Ohio this week. There was a really fun home shop that we picked up a few items at. Then we ate at a little restaurant. It looked like the town was going to shut down the Main Street to have some kind of Jubilee and they seemed excited about it. People were walking around smiling and saying it was a good day. As you can tell by the name it has a Fort and these murals are really great that they had painted on the walls of the buildings.
We also stopped at a strawberry farm that had Upick. Thank goodness we didn’t have to do that and could buy a bucket of them. I made shortcake and Theresa has made freezer jam and that is also on my agenda for today.
I am also working on a line of stitchery to sell at some of my shows. Some art shows you jury in with just the art and others an artist is able to sell other items because it is not a juried show. I love hand embroidery and putting fabrics together. Some are made from old quilt blocks and some tattered quilts. I have so much fabric and other fun items that I decided to make pictures and frame them. I will be adding some other stitched products to be announced later. I grow catnip and will be making cat toys with stuffing and catnip made with upholstery fabric. That fabric is tough and cannot be torn apart “usually”. I just signed up for a summer workshop with a favorite stitcher House Wren Studio. She is an inspiration. The workshop is called “My Indigo Kitchen”.
This is a recent picture of four out of six of our cats. I thought it was funny with them all in a row. There is usually at least one in my studio but not four at once.
This is Sophie the ornery one. She is a paper shredder. You have to make sure that any important papers are put up. There will be chunks out of them by the morning. It must just feel good. I found her on the road and she had been thrown or had been sleeping in a car body that left for work and she was thrown. Her bottom lip was bleeding because it was pulled back with road rash. She was all of twelve ounces. She has overcome her disability as you can see. I say she is just too short. This picture makes me laugh. I keep my wallpaper books in this closet and she gets in there and tears up the loose papers.
This beautiful Luna Moth stopped by on the outside of the bug zapper. I read up on them. They have no mouths and don’t eat and last just a short time, maybe two weeks? It was a pretty sight to see.
We have our usual tree swallows that have produced three babies. They are some hardworking parents. I don’t see them in the nest anymore so I think the babies have taken off. I am wondering if there will be another round of them.

So my next show is July 10 and 11 at Art in the Park in Fort Wayne’s Freiman Square. Then we are taking a weeks vacation to Frankfort, Michigan. So looking forward to this, it has been a long time. Then July 31 and August 1 will be a nice Fort Wayne show at Coventry.

I would like to get a couple more paintings completed, they are in my mind, just have to get them on Canvas. I am not a fast painter and am always amazed of the painters who are. I have some books to show but that will have to wait till next time. I had scanned them in a PDF format which is not supported here.

We are having Fathers Day dinner this Sunday, grilled steaks and chicken, Texas sheet cake, make ahead potatoes, Naan bread, fruit salad. Looks like Sunday will be warm, we have paint colors to talk over. Have a wonderful holiday and say thanks to Dad ❤💙

Thank You

Yesterday, August 17, I did the Satak Winery Art Show in Fremont Indiana. It was a great day, not horribly hot, not raining, somewhat humid. I so appreciate all who invest in my art through cards, reproductions and originals. I had so many good conversations with people who stopped in and had a great time.

This is Sara, from Plymouth, IN who became enamored with “Barney” so much that she had to take him home. She said that she will cherish him. I love when my art finds a good home.

Carleen from Angola is a returning customer. She purchased some reproductions for her school room last year. She stopped by again and we discussed “Save Us” and she fell in love with it. She said that she has a colorful home and had plans to hang it in their dining room.
After I got it all wrapped up I remembered I needed to take a picture. So thank you all who visit me, I feel the warmth.

Wild Garden

My newest painting completed this last week just in time for the Great Lakes Art Fair. This mixed media painting has a fat junco bird along with orange and red poppies. Some of the poppies are painted and some made with wallpaper. This is a fun and colorful painting that also makes a beautiful print. It is now up in my store and be sure to use the coupon code of 35off2019 to receive 35% off of your order.
All the info that you need to know about the Great Lakes Art Fair if you are up that way. It is north of Detroit and in the nice city of Novi Michigan. This is my first show of the season and so far it looks like a pretty nice weekend the weather says. Looking forward to it for sure. It is time to get out there again after the winter.

Found something informative on the Allen County Public Library Website…..Yes true….the whole website is informative. They have an area artists link. So I submitted mine also! Here is the link.

Lastly I will have another art fair to add to my show schedule. I will be at the Round the Fountain Art Fair in Lafayette, IN. It is on the courthouse square. When Tom and I were first married we lived in that area and I worked across the street of the courthouse at Lafayette Bank and Trust. It was only a mere 38 years ago. It will be nice to go back and see it. The show is May 25th.

2019 Art Shows

This was my tent at Talbot Street Art Fair in Indianapolis last year in June. Attaching my list of shows I hope to participate in this year (2019).

Most of them I have applied to but the juries have to meet and go through the entry’s, sometimes 100’s of them. The process is that the artists submits three to five good images of their work and a booth shot. Most of the time this is done via the computer, once in a great while they have to be copied to a CD and sent via postal mail with the the paper application. We also have to submit either a 100 character or word description of our work process, the two are a very different size. A jury fee of $25.00 to $40.00 has to be submitted also.

To make an interesting art show there has to be many various kinds of art, so when the jury score the artist, the show takes so many of the top scoring artists in each of the categories. Mine is 2D Mixed Media. The juries see each artist for possibly 30 seconds to one minute, and someone reads the description. This is done on a computer projector.

Then the show also makes a wait list, where if the accepted artist cannot make it they have others to fill the spot. If you get the call that you have been accepted the artist then has to submit the booth fee which varies from $100.00 to $600.00 or more. I am renting that 10 X 10 real estate for two days to share, meet, talk about and hopefully sell my art to collectors that visit me in my booth.

Along with these expenses I also have gas, food and lodging if I am away from home. At this time I have been accepted into a few, ones that I participated in last year and they had early applications.

My show schedule is on this website on the home page. As I hear from shows, I add to the list. I really love traveling around and setting up my mini galleries. It is a lot of work, especially in the heat, but it’s fun. I do have two new fans this year, so that will make four in the tent and that will help.

Why am I telling you this information? I felt the need to make aware that bringing our art to you is not done lightly and is not inexpensive but worth it. Please support artists that put their imagination, ingenuity, heart and soul into one of a kind art work.

You will make them jump for joy! For my followers, I treasure you and thank you.

  • Great Lakes Art Fair April 13,14 Novi MI
  • Bloomfest May 18 Leo,IN
  • Round the Fountain May 25 Lafayette, IN
  • Winona Art Fair June 1 & 2 Winona, IN
  • Talbot Street June 15,16 Indianapolis, IN
  • Devils Lake (2nd) June 15 Manitou Beach, MI
  • Three Rivers Festival July 13,14 Fort Wayne, IN
  • Chesterton Art Fair Aug 3,4 Chesterton, IN
  • Satek Winery Aug. 17 Fremont, IN
  • Fourth St. Art Fair Aug 31,Sept. 1 Bloomington, IN
  • Vincolet Winery Sept. 7 Cincinnati, OH
  • Art at the Riverside Sept. 28 Leo, IN
  • Hyde Park October 6 Cincinnati, OH
  • Historic Shaw Neighborhood Oct. 5,6 St. Louis, MO
  • Renaissance at Roanoke October 12 Roanoke, IN
  • Arts and Greens Market TBA White Lake,MI

Artsy news

This weekend, September 22 is Art at the Riverside in Leo Indiana. I grabbed this picture off the website and it must have been taken by a drone. It is a great show, you can see the parking then cross Schwartz road, the food trucks and live music then the artists. My tent is the very last one one the point at the bottom. Booth #16 I am looking forward to Saturday….I have seen two temps. 67 degrees or 74 degrees and sunny!!! Come out, see us, buy some one of a kind art. Riverside Gardens, Leo Indiana, 14701 Schwartz Road. 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

I will be bringing this painting out this Saturday. I have been saving it but decided to make it available. “Evening on the Porch.

Vincolet Art and Wine Festival, Sept. 8 and 9, 2018. This was my view on friday, Sept. 7 while putting up the tent. Just a beautiful place. I was so looking forward to this show. Only 60 artists but a great following, and I understand customers make a point to come to this show.

Hurricane Gordon decided to dump his rain on the Cincinnati area. We had a few brave souls walking around but the rain just was coming down very steadily. They closed the show at 5pm and I went to get the car and it was stuck in the field.

I had to disengage the traction control and it took 5 men to push it out, the ground was that saturated. Last year, I was doing St. James Court in Louisville and another hurricane decided to stay over the show on Sunday flooding our booths, what were the chances? Oh the life of an art fair artist. My helper Margaret and I were happy to report that no art or prints were damage, that is a success story.

These grapes were very aromatic.

Right now I have a gallery show and sale at the Juxtapose shop in Elkhart. It will be up through the first week of October. It opened on the 13th of September and I was delighted to be there. It was for the monthly Elkhart Art Walk. This is my art in the front window.

The others hanging in the shop. All the originals, prints and cards are for sale.The address for Juxtapose is 208 South Main Street, Elkhart, IN. Very cute shop!

I am an animal lover. This painting…Unconditional Love…..was created as the partner for Cat Love. This is a limited edition print up to 2000 and for every 10.5 X 10.5 print sold I give Animal Care and Control $5.00. The print can be found in my shop. During the Three Rivers Art in the Park I had a person stop in my tent who is from the Black Pine Animal Sanctuary. She had mentioned that they have many items that can be used from the animal, like snake skins and bear fur which caught my interest and could be used for a mixed media painting.. She mentioned that they are also having a fundraiser called Lions and Tigers and Beer in October. I will be picking up the wild animal ephemera and dropping off a print for their auction.

Cat Love-the partner to Unconditional Love. Click here to purchase.


The idea using the bear fur and snake skin came from this painting….That’s Life….This is an actual abandoned birds nest from my bushes. It had been abandoned and it just needed to be added into a painting. I will let you know what I come up with. Click here to purchase.

I have added a Holiday Show, Le Chic Holiday Market for Nov./December. It will be at the Coliseum on Nov. 30/December 1.


My Shows through the end of the year.

Art at the Riverside Sept. 22

Renaissance at Roanoke Oct. 13

Wunderkammer November 1

Le Chic Holiday Market Nov. 30/December 1

Wunderkammer December 13.

Find your Creative Joy Workshops October 21 and 26

Find your Creative Joy Workshops

The two paintings above are the examples we are going to work with in the classes.  I want to share the joy of creating with Mixed Media.  It is great fun.  Get a group together and have a creative night out. Just $75.00 for a four hour workshop. Join me at the Decatur IN, Pennsy Depot.  October 21 or 26.  Click here save your spot for Sunday. Click here to save your spot for Friday.

Chesterton Art Fair, Satek Winery

Chesterton Art Fair was August 4th and 5th. The only bad thing I can say about it, was that it was HOT. Not their fault by any means. It was held in Dogwood Park which was a dream. We artists could drive up to our spots, unload as fast or slow as we wanted and could keep our vehicle with us until we were done. They had the best volunteers ever! Throughout the whole two day show they were there to booth sit, offer cold water and snacks, all the time, I never had to look for one. Pictured here is Barb, and she purchased my original 5 X 7 of “Flower Pot”. Thank you so much and enjoy.

The week before I start checking the weather to see what I might encounter. It originally said 76 for the high, that would have been heavenly! But not so, I think it topped out at a humid 92, with not a cloud in the sky nor a breeze for Saturday, Sunday was a little better with some breeze and clouds. I thank Ryobi for my two battery powered fans that last 8 hours on high. This lovely lady is Michelle, she purchased the 10 X 10 original of “That’s Life”. She is giving it as an anniversary gift to a relative with four children. Thank you for your purchase and may they love it for years to come.

This weekend on Saturday August 18th I will be at the Satek Winery in Fremont, Indiana. 6208 North Van Guilder Road.  It is a sweet, small show with 30 artists. It is held under the trees and as of right now the forecast is sunny and 80 degrees. I am keeping my fingers crossed for that, perfect weather. Come on over, buy some art, buy some wine, have lunch with Shig in Pit. You won’t be disappointed.

Excitement Galore!

I have opened up registration for my new Mixed Media Workshops. The first will be on Sunday October 21 1 pm to 5 pm, and the next is Friday October 26 6 pm to 10 pm. They will be 4 hours and together we will build a painting with different mediums starting with acrylic paint and then we will be using gel medium, wall paper, acrylic ink, oil paintsticks and the list goes on. It’s a laid back, low key, no pressure workshop. Don’t hesitate because you think you have no artistic talent, because none is needed. I will be hands on step by step guiding and the participants will come away with a 5 X 7 or 6 X 6 gallery wrapped completed canvas painting. Each workshop is limited to eleven artists. It would be a good time for friends to get together and do something different or if you just want to get away and come by yourself you will have a good time. I hope to have up to four workshops per month. I already have my first registrant, and I am very excited to meet new people and pass on the fun of mixed media. It is a very forgiving way to paint. We use household items to make texture and marks, like brushes, lids, bubble wrap along with your fingers.

This is a gem of a building, the Pennsy Depot with has been newly restored and was just put on the National Register of Historic Places in 2017. I have it reserved for our workshops and it is right beside the Decatur Police and fire departments. The address is 111 N. 7th Street, Decatur. The city also has many good restaurants to dine at before or after your workshop. When the time gets closer I will have all that information listed on my website.To register click on over to my website and at the top click on workshop or go into the Here’s My hART shop.  Both dates are listed in the dropdown. 

This weekend I will be going to a new art fair that I haven’t participated in before. Looking forward to it, and I don’t think it is going to be blazing hot like my last few.

Dogwood Park sounds like a delightful area to have a show at, and it may have a lot of trees. I don’t have my booth assignment yet but will post it on Facebook when I do.

This last weekend we had a family pool party at our house. It was nice to have everyone together and missed the few that were not able to make it. We had a pretty good turnout and some of the out of towners were able to make it. We grabbed the opportunity to have a family picture because it had been at least 5 years or more.

My last art show was a hometown show, so I didn’t have to travel. It was Art in the Park in Freiman Square in Fort Wayne. It was hot, I was under a large shade tree with good foot traffic. I also had my fans with me so I did not melt too bad. They asked if I was happy with my spot, so I should get it next year too.

These two are sisters and spent a lot of time in my booth, they were a delight. Donna and Michele, thank you for your time and I hope to see you again.

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Wyoming, Palmer Park, Talbot Street, Art in the Sun….Art Fairs

Back on May 20th I was in WYOMING Ohio for an art fair. This city is so charming and run their art show well. The artists that were juried in were amazing. An art competition is set up in a community center and I was in awe of all the submissions. We are on a tree lined street and this was the house that was behind my booth. This is what many of the houses are like in this city, so well taken care of. The Wyoming Art Fair is a one day show. I don’t usually like doing one day shows because it is a lot of work to put up and take down in one day. I do this one because my helper Margaret lives in the area. She helps put up, take down and I have a great place to stay. That day, it started getting warm and sticky and had to have everything in order by 10:00 so we were hustling, that is why there are no tent photos. I love talking with the people that stop by, for example since I have a hedgehog in the Awakened painting, a family was telling about their hedgehog that they have for a pet. They got it from a hedgehog rescue and have had it for two years! I had another woman come in and gave me the application to the Vinoklet Winery show. I thought it was interesting and am giving it a go. I would not have known about it otherwise.

PALMER PARK art fair was on June 2nd and 3rd. It is a fairly large park north of downtown Detroit. It has a pond and lots of green areas. In fact I looked up from putting the tent up and there was a small deer grazing, didn’t expect that! My husband Tom and son Kevin were attending the Belle Isle Grand Prix so I had their help and hotel roomies. I had the choice of Palmer Park or Winona Art Fair in Indiana for the same weekend. Since I had help I decided to go with Palmer Park. The patrons were sensational, but main problem was the surrounding area was pretty tough. We love Detroit, Tom and I come here often but those are areas that we shy away from. I liked it that the Detroit Mounted Police were just out my back door, that was a comforting presence. The artists that were my neighbors were great. One of them lived in Portland Oregon and was making her way across the country doing art fairs. Her family was from Detroit and she inherited the cottage so she was staying there. But I give her credit, she talked about camping in a tent sometimes and I was totally impressed. What a bold woman!

Since the flooding rain of St. James in Louisville last fall, I decided to always bring along a pair of boots. There was quite a rainstorm one day and I had to break them out from the walk to the booth, the parking lot had turned into a pond. They worked just like they should have. Next year I am going to try for Winona again. 

The next two pictures I threw in because I liked them. They are decorations at the Wunderkammer Company in Fort Wayne. This was made out of styrofoam cups.

I don’t know if anyone made this, but the color’s good and bright.

Talbot Street was June 16th and 17th and I had been called off the waitlist for this one. I really wanted to do it and Indianapolis is always good to me. Unfortunately it was one of the hottest weekends so far. Heat index hot of 102 to 105. When I got home, my body didn’t cool down till Wednesday. This was the 63rd year for this show, so they have it pretty well down pat. Everybody has to set up half on the pavement and half on the grass. My helper Margaret was not able to get to the show until it opened Saturday so I set up on my own. I had tried to get a boy scout to help but no one sent a message back when I tried to contact. Disappointing because it was advertised that they would help for a donation to the troop. I thought that was a dandy idea but to no avail. My artist neighbors were very helpful, one was from Birmingham Alabama and the others were from North Carolina. They had a spot with a FABULOUS shade tree, I was a bit jealous!

People were out early to try to beat the heat, by noon the crowds thinned considerably and understandably. This is one of my returning customers, I was just so happy to see Stephanie. She chose one of my new paintings “Don’t be so Serious” to buy for her friend Regina’s birthday. This was her last stop, they were headed back to the air conditioning. The vendors who did the best were the frozen lemonade and artisan Popsicles. Weather is always a factor with the outside art fairs, and I could tell the customers wanted to look and buy but it was just so stinkin hot! By two o’clock each day people just looked like limp rags and they could in no way make a decision about art. I hope to be able to come back again next year, I would do it in a heart beat! I had a woman stop in and ask if I hung my work in any galleries and if I would consider it. She had started a foundation for people with autism and developmental disabilities. This is very near and dear to my heart! In this foundation is a gallery, called the Hope Gallery named after her daughter. The Hope Gallery will be run by individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities with assistance from respite workers, buddies, volunteers and job coaches. I believe it is located in Bargersville, IN, south of Indianapolis. The website is It was a very interesting talk, they want happy, colorful and uplifting work. I will most likely do it.

ART in the SUN is located in Northville Michigan and was June 23rd and 24th. I love Northville, it is a clean and pretty town north of Detroit, close to Ann Arbor. They were good to me last year and I was so looking forward to going again. Last year it was downtown and had been for a while. Someone got a big idea to move it to a soccer field in a park near a beer tent and a stage. Oh and I tried to get help to set up from Boy Scouts again but that just didn’t work out. It so happened that these two sweeties were helping artists set up and they were a Godsend!!

It was a cooler weekend with a chance of rain for two days. Surprisingly the rain went around us, but not so in other areas. I think that kept people away then others simply did not know where the show was at. More customers came out on Sunday and by the time the show opened many booths had torn down and left. My Sunday was better but it was apparent that the promoters made a big mistake moving the show. Oh and beer tent patrons and art patrons are two different animals, they are there for socializing and not art buying we did not see too many venture into the art area of the 300 tickets sold.

This person was probably new to the art fair scene and these are her weights for her tent….12 pounds, not attached. I was worried that a big wind was going to pick her tent up and throw it into mine. I have about 50 pounds on each leg. Some artists even go higher.

The area, people are not milling around because there were none! Like I said it picked up though. The man in the lower right corner was amazing to watch….since I had some time. He was selling fudge to benefit homeless veterans. He would start fast talking people immediately and holding out a piece of paper so they had to come and get it, not to be rude for the veterans. I would see people opening their wallets all the time. If they didn’t buy fudge they were donating a few dollars. He also had his aging cat with him, so of course I petted Duke.

Sharon bought my little original “Love Your Neighbor”. She walked the whole show and then came back and purchased this sweet picture. One of my favorites!

On Saturday evening, after I got back to the hotel there was a rainbow coming from the clouds. Think is was telling me that all would be ok Sunday? On Monday the artists received an email saying that 2019 would be moved back to downtown. If we would give them a second chance we would be automatically in and have a half price booth. I am giving them another chance, they tried something new and it didn’t work. This show is good to me and I won’t give up on them.