My Flowers and Birds 4/20/2022

I gathered the pictures of my flowers around the house. They bring such joy and would make a great painting. Scroll through and look forward to warmer weather.
Female Eagle
Tree Swallow


The Neighbors Garden, books, magazines, Art in Progress and more.

Thanks for stopping by and reading. If you haven’t all ready, would you please sign up to get this blog post sent through email. I would like to build that list because it is so much easier to communicate and the pictures look so much better through email. To do this go to the right side of my home page where is says “SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL“. That being said…onward ho….Once in a while I hop (not literally) on over to the neighbors garden to see what is growing and I am never disappointed. The Black Eyed Susans are putting up a good show.
Loved the gourd birdhouse hanging among the morning glories.
Her zinnias are gorgeous every year.
Tightly wound morning glories.
Caught these miniature tomatoes at the right moment.
Among the milkweeds and Queen Anns Lace.
The crop dusting plane that surprises me every summer. It is always disconcerting when I hear the plane zooming around.
I am always in awe at how low and fast it can fly.
Something new that I learned recently….only finches like safflower seeds. I picked up this feeder, which is cool because it has a button that pops open the top to fill it. I filled it with safflower seeds and only the finches ate it. Even the birds stayed away from the other feeders. I haven’t looked into the reason for this but once the feeder was empty the other birds came back. I think if the finches could shove the seeds into their cheeks they would have.
I was sitting outside looking for the comet….nope….didn’t see it. Took a picture of the moon and must have moved because I had a slow shutter release on, so I received this interesting picture instead.
Sam and I, last week went to a Chinese restaurant and these decorations were on our plate. Carrot and Rutabaga flowers.
On Saturday I went to the Farmers Market and it is being held at Parkview Field, home of the Tin Caps minor league baseball.
Sent a selfie to my husband with the field behind me.
Thought the trash cans were great as far as trash cans go.
This flower truck so fabulous and memorable. The flowers for sale were beautiful too.
Also a booth selling plants was at the market and I had been looking for a trail of tears plant. I have it very high so certain cats do not chew on it. I would like to make a living wall so I can have plants but not have them chewed up. I have just the right room and wall for it. Look it up on Pinterest.
Michelle, my friend came down to the market too and we went on to Honey Plant on Wells Street. Interesting plants and pots, such a clean and green environment.
Right next door to Honey Plant is the Hyde Brothers used book store, such a wonderful place for book lovers. It has two resident cats and you can see one snoozing in his bed. There are rooms and rows of knowledge up to the ceiling.
I picked up three books while I was there. A few times when we went to Detroit we stayed at a Marriot downtown and the People Mover came into that hotel and it was easy to ride to our destinations. There is beautiful art in each of the stations and this book explains it all. My head was spinning back and forth trying to take all the art in so I was delighted to find “Art in the Stations”.
This is the back cover of the book.
This is another that I found. The author of The Help recommends it and that was good enough for me. “The Postmistress”.
Then this one “Conversations with Amber“. I thought to myself that I know the name Gladys Taber! But not as an author, then I remembered that Susan Branch referred to her often.
I have many of Susan Branches delightful books, and I use her two year purse calendar and follow her blog and website. On her website is a Gladys Taber Fan Club.
Another recently purchased book “Separated”.
This is my first Flow Magazine and it has been great, so much of the things that I love. Still trying to decide if I want a subscription.
Kevin gave this subscription to me for Christmas. This magazine is so so colorful, and you know I like color. I enjoy it every month.
As I was looking at my bookshelf, I found this to add to my organizational library. I have found like cleaning and organizing, Organizing from the Inside Out. You just need to take the time to do it.
Lastly I have two paintings in the works. This floral one is coming along very well. Chamomille, Cleome, Butterfly Bush, Grey headed Coneflower, Liatris. More to come.

I hope that you have enjoyed my tour this week. Please stay healthy.

Farmers Market Plus


This last Saturday I went to market again. This booth had huge red tomatoes. It was one of the most humid days we have had, where the sweat starts dripping down your back with a minimum of movement.


They also had buckets of sunflowers that caught my eye as I turned the corner. 75 cents a piece or 3 for 2.00. They drive a hard bargain.


Since it was a very warm and humid day I decided to try out an all natural artisan popsicle. As you can see there were many flavors to choose from and I stepped into the lengthy line for a mango pop. It was cold and very frozen and also not too sweet. They should have had a very profitable day.


I couldn’t pass up the corn on the cob, it’s a family favorite. Since my arms were burdened down with bags and flowers the man kindly picked and bagged the corn for me. I felt grateful for that.


My ultimate goal was to choose fresh flowers. This fresh flower and produce booth had many bucketful in the early part of the day but when I got there I had to be really choosy. She gave me a very generous deal on what I chose and then gladly stood so I could take her picture.


That was Saturday and now moving forward to Tuesday a front had moved through and the day was fabulous! Warm in the sun, nice breeze in the shade. Fluffy clouds resulting in a perfect summer day. Even my front porch flowers were loving it. They looked particularly pretty today with their peach sherbet colored flowers.


I set up outside on the porch so I could take in the day and still be productive. Here I was with my afternoon coffee, water, Ipad and working on my little quilt. All the while I was able to look out at the green field (we have had A LOT of rain), the blue water of the pond and listening to all the sounds. Birds singing, airplanes flying over, cars driving down the road, I could even at times feel the light spray from the fountain.


Another angle of my sight. It was very blissful and serene.


Marked for embroidery with the Mark-B-Gone water soluble ink pen.


The marks around the sun are for quilting. The inside of the sun is finished. I find that I put many sun images in my work. I must relate it to happiness and that goes along with sunflowers. I hope where you live that you had an equally as nice day. Thanks for stopping!


Flowers for the Shower


Three of us went together to have a Bridal Shower for my niece Kelli. I have devoted my time to overseeing carpet cleaning, and just cleaning my house because we are having it here. This is good, that way it pushes me to get it cleaned. Oh yea, I trimmed those last set of bushes that were overgrowing too. It’s all good, but alas I have not had a chance to paint. Next week will be devoted to that. These are the sweet (literally) favors that we put together for the shower.


I did get to pick up the Indiana Woodlands botanical from the framer. It really looks nice and just finishes off the wall that I have it on. Very pleased with the look. I had such fun in that class and learned so much that I just enjoy looking at it. Remember if you would like one too it can be ordered in my Etsy shop.


I did take time out to make a trip the the Fort Wayne Farmers Market today. I was in search of flowers for the mantle and I found the bottom of the buckets…truly. I got there a little later than originally planned. I really adore those sunflowers. Hope your weekend is Fabulous!