Special….Free Shipping!

A new small art piece that I am offering in only note cards right now. The title of the painting is “Woodland Pines”. All of the cards are made by me. From the printing, to adhering to the heavy weight paper and carving the stamps and stamping the images to packing them up. The special part is FREE SHIPPING!!! It doesn’t matter how many you purchase. This offer stands until I feel that it is time for a change..
These cards are perfect to send to Nature Lovers, animal lovers, birders. The 4 X 6 reproduction is sharp, bright and perfect for framing. This unique art painting is a one of a kind, hand made, something you won’t find on the shelves of a store. The cards have the hand stamped images on the inside and the envelope. The rest of the card is blank for your own sentiments or letter. Send someone this card that says, How are things, I have been thinking of you. I love getting mail with decorated envelopes, don’t you?

By the way…all of my art can be purchased in notecards but only this one has FREE SHIPPING.

Click here for the link to Woodland Pines.

Click here for the link to the store.

The clearest way into the Universe is through a Forest Wilderness.

John Muir

Catching Fall before it is gone


I have no idea what this tree or bush is but I loved the deeper green leaves with the red berries. There were many of these along the paths.


Here is a tree with woodpecker holes and a mushroom fungus growing out from it.


I just thought this picture was beautiful with all the different colors of fallen leaves.


We think that this is the red tree where the red leaves that were found.


A tall yellow tree. It’s a good inspiration tree.


This was so pretty because of the the hillside and the carpet of leaves along with the sunlight coming through the trees.


The sun peeking in through the top is just lovely!


The bright green leaves and the yellow from another tree are what caught my attention.


This large tree teetering on the edge of the hill with tunnels underneath it.


The full length of the teetering tree.


little wildflowers still blooming.


Looking up into the tall pine tree.


Pine Needle Path


I like this tree not only because of the pretty leaves but the limbs curved around and the bark was either diseased or something ate it.


Mushroom growing out of the ground with the pretty different leaves surrounding it.


Little bit of lichen and something was looking for bugs to eat. Interesting tree bark.


I really love this picture. The bright red plant in the front with the yellow leaves in the background.


Interesting fungus growing on this narrow tree bark.


Another different wildflower still blooming.


DSC_0019 On Wednesday my friend Kathy and I decided to walk the trails of an Acres Land Trust site. These are areas of land that has been bought or donated so it is covered and won’t be developed. There are many sites in Allen County and and I found one that was 10 miles north of us. It was very nice that there were walking sticks at the beginning of the path because it gets muddy and hilly sometimes. Here is Kathy with her walking stick and the proper attire to wear on the path. The second picture is just showing the prettiness of the path with the shadows and the sunlight.



I just have to end this post with the moon the other night over our house. It was a full beauty. I wish I would have put the strong lens on. Kathy and I picked a perfect day to walk in the woods, the next day was a whole day of rainfall. I really wanted to get fall color inspiration and enjoy it before it fleeted away from us. Click here if you would like to learn more about Acres Land Trust.Thanks for enjoying it with me.