I was helping my sister Linda with her baked goods business at the Auburn Indiana Farmers Market today. It is on the square in front of the courthouse. They have added some sculptural art. I have heard many people say that they don’t like the modern sculptural art and I agree that it is hard to interpret. I see it that there has to be some kind of physics involved when designing it because it takes much vision and thinking to keep this from falling apart, how is it being held to the ground with only three pieces touching? This one also at the top where the red dot is, will move with the wind. I think it looks like a person walking and as the piece moves at the top they are observing the world around them.
 A beautiful arrangement of flowers planted in big pots.
Such intricate carving around the clock.
Pretty purple flowers, not sure if they are a form of phlox.
I don’t know her name but she is one of the vendors. Her father in law has a greenhouse in Michigan and she has been selling the plants every week. They look so healthy and she said she would bring her card next week so I can let you know.
A little walk to the Cupbearer Cafe, and I come across this interesting light fixture.
I thought this wall sign was very neat.
Signs pointing the way. We understand as the weather gets warmer the vendors become more abundant.
This family was using the sculpture as a photo opportunity.
Many dogs were taking their walks. My sister is going to make dog treats for them next time.
Love the look of determination in her face. She picked up some pretty plants.
These colors are really, really, nice!
This gentleman stopped by to talk about baked goods.
Two more dogs are taking their owners for a walk.
I believe he has spotted something!!
This little guy and his brother were so busy.
Let’s go Mom!!
I kept missing his flip flops.
He is deciding on his next move.
Auburn Indiana, the classic car capitol of the Midwest.
Such a beautiful display of tomatoes from Georgia.
This little squirrel was busy hiding his nuts.
Fabulous hanging baskets.