Spring Show


Whenever I look at a bleeding heart I think of my grandmother. She had bought one of these plants for me me in another house which I left when we moved. I had to have another, in fact I have 3 others and think they are so beautiful. This one is right outside of my studio window so I can look at it all the time.


These little johnny jump up are also right outside of the studio window. They are all over the place and this was my intention when I threw seeds down last year. Their little faces are so sweet!


The Bradford Pears in the neighborhood are putting on a good show, it’s too bad they stink so much! I wonder why they were made that way?


When we got this little tree it was just a stick. I planted it in a bucket then moved it to the ground only to have to move it again. This is the final place. I believe it is called a service berry and it seems to like the area, It has some flowers on it.


I am thrilled to see these little tiny flowers on this redbud. I have had a heck of a time growing these trees. This one was moved to it’s final area also and though slow, is promising. These trees are so lovely when blooming, they look like lace.


I was at Lowe’s the other day and came across this bird feeder and couldn’t pass it up. Is it not the cutest thing?? There has been a certain red-winged blackbird singing and eating everyday. I am glad to see they are enjoying it.


The neighbors put up this great new birdhouse for the purple martins that are sure to show up again. Those little guys are so territorial you can feel the wind whoosh over your head when walking into the yard. They are great bug catchers. The neighbors always put out a really nice garden of which they share the bounty. Thanks for going on the spring walk with me, come back again!