The Mask

So this past Saturday I got my act together and my sewing supplies and put together 4 masks with two others almost completed. That evening we were taking two of them to Fort Wayne to my son plus some other items. Tom and I decided to pick up some food for all of us. Surprising it was busy and the waiting time to pick up food was 40 minutes plus 15 more. I decided to give my mask a trial run and put it on while I waited inside for the food. It was interesting to see reactions of others who came in. We all did social distancing but only one other person came in with a mask. I got some uneasy looks like….is she sick…..should I be wearing a mask….wonder if I can get someone to make one for me or maybe they were just admiring my cat fabric. I also went to Lowes to pick up some rope for the other masks and only a couple people had masks on there too. To be clear though the CDC just asked for this on Friday, the day before.
I had to go and get blood drawn on Monday at the hospital but not near the emergency room. I wanted to make sure I had this mask on correctly before I went in. When you go into the hospital someone asks you if you feel well, have been around anyone who doesn’t feel well and what are you there for. So I got checked in and was waiting, trying not to touch anything not mine, playing Wordscapes on my phone. They call me back and get the blood drawn, leave, use the restroom, wash my hands, look in the mirror and realize I have my sunglasses on. They are prescription and not super dark and I didn’t pay any attention. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to touch my face. I probably looked like an eccentric lady with her cat mask on and sunglasses.
This mask has three layers of fabric and then a pocket for a replaceable filter. It is comfortable and covers the face nicely and easily adjustable. You’re glasses get steamed up until you get it to the spot where they don’t. You also have to speak louder and clearer when you have the mask on.
This is the front and the back of the other two in progress. You can see the filter pocket.
Showing the replaceable filters that I am using. Small coffee filters with the bottom corner cut off. We had purchased the wrong size and instead of tossing them I thought they would be perfect. This mask also has a bendable wire sewn in to form to your nose.
Here is the pattern if you are interested.
Today is a beautiful day, April 8, 2020. My cheerful porch pic features a fan quilt top and my Teal and Blue painting. If you are interested in purchasing my art go to my online store and place an order. It would be an addition that would brighten your home.
There is a lot of purple and green going on in the garden today. I always love these grape hyacinths and are joyful when they start showing up. This may be the full second year and they have multiplied.
The large purple hyacinths are still growing. They will be so pretty.
The windflowers have had more blooms since last week.
The magnolia tree is slowly blooming and the forsythia that is so bright yellow looks great behind it.
Such a pretty flower.
Pretty purple, greens and yellows just like the garden.

Hope you are staying busy and everyone is getting along.
After I have watched so much of the daily news I have to watch something fluffy and lovey so I have downloaded the Hallmark App. It is calming. Even when they are mad they really aren’t so mad. I have really got to put some light polish or clear on my nails, they are so fragile. Working on my website and adding originals to my store. Planning meals, last night was meat loaf, night before was sloppy joes and Monday was tater tot casserole. Tonight possibly potato soup, homemade bread and a salad. Comfort food, I am staying away from making cookies and such. They are too easy to over eat.

The Story Behind the Paintings

I recently added this painting to my online store. Most of my paintings have a story behind them. While I was putting all the necessary information into the computer to make it show up correctly it took me back to why I painted this.

It was during 2015, when the election campaign was in full swing and there was constant clashes between the people running for the presidential office. We the people, were being constantly bombarded with nastiness. I just hoped it would calm down after the election and this painting was my hope.
1. The dark blue sky above with stars with hearts hanging down from it.
2. Flowers in a vase and one being a peace lily.
3. The angel- I always picture my angels having auburn hair, it possibly comes from a card my mother gave me when I was small. It made an impact. She has embossed gold wings and her halo is braided hemp twine painted gold. She is holding the earth which was made with a Styrofoam technique. It has a coating on it so I could paint it easily and it is very light to be able to glue it on. She has her buddy, the wise owl on her shoulder and her eyes are closed in prayer. She has a white aura about her.  I used the well known words because they are the ones that kept coming to mind.
This painting was used for our Christmas cards last year also.
The original has since been sold.

Today, I just added this painting to the online Store. “Pursue the Passion” I decided to do a series of three paintings with hearts and this was the first. I am drawn to hearts as you can tell by my business name.

This was painted soon after I decided to pursue a career in art. I had left a business office job, took a year off and decided that I wanted to build an art business. My husband at that same time decided to change jobs also. He had gone from a State Policeman for 25 years, to working in the Department of Revenue for 10 or so years to pursuing car sales. Something totally different right? We were losing that steady. every two weeks. we know what it will be income to something somewhat steady and with a lot of potential. These are not easy jobs to be successful. Sales are long hours, a lot of walking and talking and sometimes you come up short. With the art business, I make the inventory, I market it, I am the IT person, I sell it and am always looking for potential everything. Both of us are pursuing a passion and we had to spread our wings to do it. To decide to take the leap. It works well that I am home keeping track of things, because he is gone many hours of the day.
So the big red heart, the white words, the wings that could be bird or angel. I worked on my mixed media technique with the ribbon of leaves at the top and the raised leaves at the bottom with molding paste and stencils. The outlines of the heart and wings are made with Shiva oilstiks. I love them, they are so smooth. The original is still available size 18 X 18.

The second in the series “Love Many Things”. Original is still available. Size 18 X 18

The third in the series. “For You” Original is still available. Size 18 X 18. Send a message if you are interested. 


You just can’t judge a magazine by its size!

Address Removed

We get this little magazine because we are in a co-op for our electricity, it is from Paulding Putnam. Seems like sometime last year or maybe two years ago, time does fly, we used to get a similar magazine from Ohio, but this is all about Indiana. I get more information from this magazine that has only 30 pages in it. You would think it would be all about electric current and wattage. Not so fast my friends. Here are the interesting tidbits that learned or they just made me remember. Raggedy Ann and Andy were created in Indianapolis. Indiana had 5 Vice Presidents from our state and one President. Some famous people from Indina are Steve Kroft of 60 minutes, Greg Kinnear, Actor, Florence Henderson from The Brady Bunch, John Wooden basketball coach and Col. Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Apparently every May they choose Art for their calendar and it is from submissions from students, 1st grade and up. I love to see art being promoted and the pictures were really enjoyable. Next year is Indiana’s Bicentennial and that was the theme of the contest this year.


Here are the rest of the pictures, the Lewis and Clark expedition, the state tree-Tulip, Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood home, the soldiers memorial in Indianapolis and the Statehouse in Indianapolis to name a few.


This page showed the honorable mentions which were just as good. Other articles that were informative: French Lick was having chalk art extravaganza. Vincennes was having a reenacting of the RevolutionaryWar. There is going to be a Dr. Seuss exhibition at the Indianapolis Art Museum. It talks about a Huge Garage sale on Route 40. I can make my own cat treats out of tuna fish recipe. An article featuring a restaurant my husband and I ate at years ago. A good story about a snake in the garden. The last page talks about their great finds at a garage sale. It’s all interesting stuff. It really was a good read.  Thanks for stopping!