The words of the year…..Organize and Maintain. It may take me all of 2018 before I accomplish my goal. I am working on organizing my photos on the computer. I have 12,000 and I started moving them around and it was not going smoothly then I (AH HA) remembered my photoshop elements program that has a photo organizer on it. I got them all copied into it (that’s how I knew I had 12,000). Now researching how to tag, categorized, save to an external drive also, so I don’t lose them. It has been a real joy looking at pictures that I forgot about, like this one. I painted this for a religion class-Religions East and West-for extra credit. I believe the word was beauty and this may be a Chinese Robin on a Dogwood. This painting must be in my portfolio folder.

I took a black and white photography class where we used the darkroom and developed our own film. The assignment was to take a photo that was not good and color it using different mediums. My husband with his sports and teams that he likes. I think I used marker, pen acrylic ink.

One year I bought these vibrant geraniums to sit in front of the garage. I love this red.

Red tulips from our garden.

This was for a 2D class. We were to do a color wheel in an unusual way. I took fabric I had and made a small quilt. I need to find this also, I don’t think I quilted it! With the color wheel then I put neutral borders. It was fun….now where is that quilt! Oh and other items on my list to organize….email messages, I started out with 32,000 emails. I am making new folders and the sweep button really works well. I have basement storage space I want to utilize better, a pantry that needs organized and my side of the closet needs a lot of attention.