Just a Few Favorites a little at a time

My friend Cathy would feed the birds daily. I just loved the quail that would come running to eat the seed on the ground. They were so cute and this is just one of many that would come out from desert.

I did not get to see a real Javelina but I think this has to be one of the cutest after all they don’t seem to be just another pretty face. This was found in Tubac which was a wonderful town full of art.

Cathy and Marks neighbor makes these sculptures. I have pictures of quite a few. They were amazing and I am sure heavy. They have a lot of rebar on them.

This was taken out of the window looking at the mountains. I cannot remember which ones they are but the sunset was bouncing off this. The white plants are cholla.

We went to a raptor show and I was standing at a perfect spot because the birds landed in that dead tree. The is a great horned owl and his head is turned around.
We drove through the Barrio Viejo in Tuscon where these houses of the late 1800s – early 1900s have been revitalized. They are very colorful with a lot of desert landscaping. 
A hill with many Saguaros with lots of arms. You are seeing water drops in the morning. We were on our way to the desert museum. I have many more favorites but this was enough for now. It was a fantastic trip and our hosts were so accommodating. They had a beautiful home and this desert was not how we thought it would be. It was fun to go somewhere that we had not experienced before.

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