It has been a few weeks since I posted. I had an art show to prepare for, sometimes it is a one week process and sometimes two, this one was two. It was the Great Lakes Art Fair in Novi Michigan. My friend Theresa helped me and we were gone 3 1/2 days. It was a fun and successful show. I made lots of new contacts and I will definitely go back next year if they will have me.
When I saw the daffodils I had forgotten how pretty they were, these are like double daffys. It looks like it has a big nose hanging out the middle.
Loved the darker bits of orange in this one. Mmm…so so pretty.
We had the landscapers come and cut down the old, pull the weeds and lay the mulch. We just had a time with it last year. So glad we did it because what they did in 6 hours we would have taken days!! with sore backs. Here is a small bit in the front of the house and my johnny jump ups look so happy!
Here is my unusually colored coral bell.
A hot purple creeping phlox too.
My small and spindly Red Bud, but I am thankful for the blooms.
It hopes to be someday like the neighbors beautiful big Red Bud.
Oh Pavel, Pavel pounding on the glass door like I don’t see him.
He just hated to be left out of the fun. Hope you enjoyed my flowers, and as always…Thanks for stopping!