Clothes I Love


I was reading More magazine last week and the Letter from the Editor caught my attention. What to really wear at 30-40-50-60. Recently I had decided to be more choosy about what I was buying and not just buy white tops, and things that go with everything since I am not working in an office environment anymore. I also wanted to buy more interesting clothing. The paragraph titled “You Don’t Need Any More Basics” hit it for me. It was exactly what I was thinking. The paragraph titled “Step Away From Cheap Clothes” also affirmed what I had decided-buy less but buy better. Take the time to read the page, it made lots of good points.


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This shell is one of my favorites though it isn’t new. It drapes nicely, and irons nicely also. I think taking selfies in the mirror takes practice. I have stepped out of my box by not having a jacket on but it wouldn’t show the shell had I had something on. The last paragraph of the Editor article says “Don’t Cover Up As You Get Older”. I took that advice. But afterwards I did put a jacket on, it’s chilly today.


I love this denim jacket. I did buy it a size larger because I may wear something bulky under it. I am very uncomfortable with clothing that is tight across the upper back and arms. This jacket is just the right weight for all temps.

Keep checking back as I will add more treasures as I find them.


I recently found a new top that has become a favorite. I like the way it feels and the swishyness. The colors are perfect and tie dye is making a great comeback.


My silk ribbon bracelet goes perfect with my new T. I found it at the Indiana Artisan Show and it is made by D2E Gallery in Crown Point Indiana.


This was taken in July of 2015. This blouse has become a favorite because of the little bit of blue and blue green among the predominately black and white color scheme.


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