

I love reading materials, and I really love to feel the books. I love librarys, bookstores, used bookstores, author signed books, even text books. The IPad, readers are great, and I certainly use them. On vacation or traveling it really lightens the load but to me there is nothing like the feel of the actual book or magazine. Knowledge is power and you get that through reading. Reading takes you away into other worlds. I would love to have one of those little librarys in front of my house, where people can check out or contribute books. This is in my closet, my messy pile of books that I need to sort through and put away. My closet is in need of a major overhaul for sure. Walking by this pile of books is exciting because I forget what I have in there. When I get around to the treasure hunt I will unearth great stuff.


Shown here is my bookshelf in my bedroom. It is much more organized in categories. Art, mixed media, scrapbooking, rubberstamping, quilting, photography, and the list goes on. I love to open the doors and take a peek, it brings out the creative energy.


This Great Room book shelf holds biographies, story books, gardening books, bird books, cook books and pretty pottery. Apparently by the pictures I also love black painted furniture!

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