Camera Play

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I have gotten all my decorating done and that is a good feeling. Now we can sit back and enjoy it. This morning I got the camera out to play with the modes and the tree lights. This one is no flash and a little movement.

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Using flash, not nearly as pretty…too stark.

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No flash, with no movement. It was too bright outside to get a good movement effect. The shutter wouldn’t stay open long enough and I didn’t want to go manual.

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This is a snowman with lights in a much darker area.

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Shutter stayed open longer and I moved the camera back and forth. I think that’s really neat.

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Here it is with just two movements.

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Little tree with colored lights in my husbands office. I liked the reflection of the lights in the window.


I shut the blind so it would be dark and moved the camera sideways.


I also moved it down. Reminds me of the glow sticks that can be bracelets or necklaces.


I then moved it up and down quickly. Nothing like some cheap amusement.


I had my son Kevin get some 2 X 4’s which are not exactly that size (a little puzzling) and cut and sand them. I saw blocks like these in a store front with paper letters on them. I am going to paint decorated letters and see how they turn out. I will keep you updated even if they don’t work out. This is my door paint color from the HGTV collection, I love it.


Books that I am reading right now. The Big Magic I received yesterday, it is written by the author of Eat, Pray, Love. Another artist recommended it and said that she will not view creating in the same way. The other book I received from my friend Colleen and it has been on my bedside table and it is high time I finish it. She greatly enjoyed it. I have also been watching my Roosevelt’s DVDs and love it all over again. I was sad when Theodore died at age 60. I am sad now because the USA is trying to recover from the Great Depression and Pearl Harbor has not been bombed yet but we know it is coming. I have been rooting for Franklin and his Polio and and had to look up if there had been any cases of polio in the US recently. The vaccine certainly took care of it…I knew three people who had it, when I was growing up,  all approximately the same age. Eleanor just worked tirelessly during the FDR’s time in office. I just try to picture how bad it was and I wish my parents were alive to talk this over with them.  


So I have had my afternoon coffee, filled out some forms for a new doctor I am going to tomorrow and going to work on my grocery list. It’s a nice day….hope you are having one too! Thanks for stopping!

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