Beginning the day

I am so thrilled that the camera picked up the colors of this mornings sunrise perfectly. This is what it looked like my friends. I couldn’t let it go by, from the clouds to the colors. This is for those who slept in and missed this beauty and those of us that just sigh when we look at it.

The silhouettes of the trees and the wispy clouds.

This color combo is my favorite….

I put this wreath on a back door of our house, one that can be seen from the road. Last year I had a finch build a nest and raise her babies till they flew away. It is a perfect spot because it is sheltered from the wind, disguised by the twigs and away from predators. She is a pretty smart lady and she is back again. All is well.

See how it can hardly be noticed? I wouldn’t have paid attention if I wouldn’t have heard all the birds chattering between themselves.

It is all ready for the eggs. Last year there were five and that nest was full of birds and poop. Then one day poof, the nest was empty. It was very neat to watch. I just love nature! Thanks for stopping.


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