A Few More Favorites

I was in awe of this mountain range. We were visiting The Historic Empire Ranch and then drove the area around it. It was like being in The Big Valley show. The information that I can find says that it is the Santa Rita Mountains.
This cow had a really pretty face and was just lounging under a tree with no leaves there in The Big Valley.
I cannot remember which bird this was but it was gorgeous, a falcon….maybe. This was at the Desert Museum again.
I happened to get him taking off in flight. That wingspan….Wow.
Casa Escondida at the Barrio in Tuscon. Loved the purple house and the prickly pear cactus.
The blue porch with the peach house, so pretty.
This prickly pear has a purple tint. Many edible things are made with prickly pears, syrup, jam to name a couple.
I am enamored with the barrel cactus too. The yellow things on top are fruit, they happen after the flowers are done blooming. When they fall off the Javalinas may come along and eat them.
Not a stunning sunset but a beauty. Those blues along with the touch of peach are soothing.

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