The cats and I are home a lot together. Since I was gone this weekend they were definitely out of sorts. Since I have gotten home this guy, Pavel, will not get far from me. He is a quiet fellow and when he meows it is more like a bluebird warble. I think he has beautiful, green, intelligent, all seeing eyes. He watches when I get ready for bed and when I crawl between the covers he is up and ready to settle in for a good nights sleep.

This gal, Lily, had the hardest time in my absence. She threw up three times. In the first fifteen minutes I was home I put her blanket on my lap and she jumped up and purred and seemed very content and that her world was right side up again. She sleeps on the other side of me at night. Sometimes it gets pretty close and as we cat people know, we hesitate to disturb the sleeping cats for some reason.

This girl, Sophie just goes about her happy go lucky business. She takes care of everyone by licking their heads. The only thing that bothers her are thunderstorms. When she hears that she quickly makes her way under the bed in the basement. She is such a dear cat, never crabby at all. I just love these three!

Today we had a cool rain and still have the remnants of some snow on Sunday. No sunshine just grey sky. These three were just floating around in the pond and the one in the middle is doing the dipsy doodle clean up. I just think how cold that water had to be since it was in the mid 30’s. We have been very fortunate in the weather department, with very mild temps. We have had some enjoyable, beautiful days and thankful for it all.